The benefit of gold and rhodium plating. Gold plating your jewellery can offer numerous benefits, combining both aesthetic appeal and practical advantages. First gold plating can significantly enhance the visual…
Matching your jewellery to your outfit is essential. Here at Magennis Jewellery, we firmly believe that the perfect accessory can transform anyoutfit from ordinary to extraordinary. Whether you're stepping into…
Hello, are you wondering how you will treat your loved one this festive season? Worry no more. This is because, at Magennis Jewellery we are offering discounts over this festive…
When people reach a certain age, they start asking themselves questions concerning fashion and jewellery. Am I too old to wear this? Am I too old to wear handmade jewellery?…
Imроrtаnсе оf Jеwеllеrу When іt соmеѕ tо fаѕhіоn, there аrе a lot оf things tо kеер in mind. Of соurѕе, уоu nееd tо hаvе a grеаt looking оutfіt. You hаvе…
Have you ever walked into a jewellery store and everywhere you looked you saw jewellery that’s just perfect for you? Yeah, me neither. Although you’re unique and have your own…